Installing the FoxPro ODBC Driver

Administrator Privileges Required!

You must be logged in as an Administrator on the computer you are installing the FoxPro ODBC Driver!

All Power Options Must be Disabled

All power down, power off, power saving, or any other process that turns of, puts to sleep, or disables your computer must be turned off on the computer where you are installing Connect411. If your computer powers off, turns off the hard drive, goes to sleep, or turns off necessary attached devices, then Connect411 will fail!

Do Not Install on a Laptop

Do not install Connect411 on a laptop computer. Laptops are not suited for this application.

High Speed Network Connection to DDMS Required

Do not install connect 411 on a computer that is connected to your DDMS via a wireless network. A gigabyte network connection is recommended, dual gigabyte connections is preferred. Ten megabyte connections are strongly discouraged. Never use a Internet based network connection to your DDMS. You should only install Connect411 on a computer with a local hard-wired connection to your DDMS server.

Installation on Server Preferred

Installation of Connect411 on the DDMS Server is the most efficient and will provide the fastest contract updates.

Installing the Driver

In order to access your DDMS Data, you need to make sure the Visual Fox Pro (FVP) ODBC driver is installed on the computer hosting DBx. Click this link to download the Microsoft database driver:

Click the link and choose ‘save’ to save the file to your hard drive:

FoxPro Driver Screen Shot

Pick a location on your hard drive you can remember and return to and then click the Save Button.

FoxPro Driver Screen Shot

When the download completes, you can choose the Run Button if available on your operating system, or choose the Close Button and then open the folder where you saved the file.

FoxPro Driver Screen Shot

You may receive a security warning when you run the downloaded file:

FoxPro Driver Screen Shot

Check that the publisher is Microsoft and then choose the Run Button.

Follow the on-screen instructions to install the driver.